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Key Features of Phone Guardian Software are:
Remote mobile lock and unlock with lock SMS
Phone Guardian becomes active (locks the mobile, emits the siren) when a different SIM card is inserted or on lock SMS.
Operator specific and location information is automatically sent to the number specified, including the number of SIM, IMSI and CellID numbers. You can then use this data to map the location of the cell phone using CellToMap.
Siren option can be put on and off.
Uninstall possible only with secure password.
Phone lock is independent from phone restart. This means that if you have locked the phone, it cannot be unlocked by restarting. The only way to unlock the phone is by sending a specific sms with password details.

to za bajke dusa vam provaljivat ebo te takav forum evo za ove sto zive u bajkama i veze nemaju
c0d14c je napisao(la):
Key Features of Phone Guardian Software are:
Remote mobile lock and unlock with lock SMS
Phone Guardian becomes active (locks the mobile, emits the siren) when a different SIM card is inserted or on lock SMS.
Operator specific and location information is automatically sent to the number specified, including the number of SIM, IMSI and CellID numbers. You can then use this data to map the location of the cell phone using CellToMap.
Siren option can be put on and off.
Uninstall possible only with secure password.
Phone lock is independent from phone restart. This means that if you have locked the phone, it cannot be unlocked by restarting. The only way to unlock the phone is by sending a specific sms with password details.

to za bajke dusa vam provaljivat ebo te takav forum evo za ove sto zive u bajkama i veze nemaju

oni su rekli da je bajka zato sto si rekao da to ide preko wirelessa, medjutim ovo radi na principu gpsa, salje koordinate lokacije gdje se telefon nalazi, barem kod mene tako radi ovaj "anti-theft zastitni sistem"..
evo download link za krekovan phone guardian symbian s50 3rd, nisam jos siprobao al trebalo bi da radi!download|61tl2|244899160|phone-guardian-s60-3-v-3-0-0-selfsigned_SmatPDA.rar|252
funky je napisao(la):
c0d14c je napisao(la):
Key Features of Phone Guardian Software are:
Remote mobile lock and unlock with lock SMS
Phone Guardian becomes active (locks the mobile, emits the siren) when a different SIM card is inserted or on lock SMS.
Operator specific and location information is automatically sent to the number specified, including the number of SIM, IMSI and CellID numbers. You can then use this data to map the location of the cell phone using CellToMap.
Siren option can be put on and off.
Uninstall possible only with secure password.
Phone lock is independent from phone restart. This means that if you have locked the phone, it cannot be unlocked by restarting. The only way to unlock the phone is by sending a specific sms with password details.

to za bajke dusa vam provaljivat ebo te takav forum evo za ove sto zive u bajkama i veze nemaju

oni su rekli da je bajka zato sto si rekao da to ide preko wirelessa, medjutim ovo radi na principu gpsa, salje koordinate lokacije gdje se telefon nalazi, barem kod mene tako radi ovaj "anti-theft zastitni sistem"..

jos pogotovo ako ima wireless tako sam napisao ima i drugih programcica na ovaj fazon koji se konektuju na internet i tako obavjestavaju ne preko sms-a, a ja sam ovaj program samo za primjer naveo da ovi Grimovci iz bajki znaju ;)
ma uveo bi ja ono, ukradeš odrežu ti ruku, ili ukradeš auto smrtna kazna, pa da vidim hrabre...
dajte ljudi, nije vam ovo csi majami i onaj horejsio, da nadjes i tko je ukrao, sta je tada nosio, koji broj cipela, jel mu ves bio star dva ili tri dana, kad se zadnji put brijao, itd...
Zatvorena za pisanje odgovora.