Eh ovako raja , imam jedan Digifiz sat sa dzekovima pa me zanima kako cu ga spojiti na Akumulator da vidim radi li ??..Koje zice idu na AKU ??..
Ima ih mali milion iz dzekova , mogu slikati nije problem..Hvala
Ovo su stekeri originalni s bojama zica na sebi...
Ovo su ti pinovi...
1 Lila - Black Gasoline meter ( G )
2 Green - Black Oil temp. sensor
3 Empty Empty
4 Empty Empty
5 Yellow Oil pressure switch 1,8 bar
6 Gray - Blue Power 58b / light switch 58b
7 Black Contact-switch (15)
8 Blue - Yellow Switch function-indicator (memory)
9 White - Yellow Control light fog lights
1 White - Red Sensor outside temp
2 Yellow - Red Sensor circulating water
3 Blue - Black Oil pressure switch 0,3 bar
4 Red From 30 connection and Fuse s3 15 A
5 Brown - White Ground 6 Empty Empty
7 Empty Empty
8 Yellow - Blue Circulating water temp. meter
9 Gray - Green Light switch ( 58 ) control light
1 White - Green Control-light rear window heating.
2 Black - White Control-light left signal light
3 Gray Control-light brake oil level and parking brake
4 Brown Light-switch (31)
5 Gray - Yellow Knob for setting minute
6 Yellow - Red Switch function-indicator (reset) Control-light
7 White - Blue Sensor speed meter (2 )
1 Gray - White Control-light rear fog-lights
2 Blue - White Control-light main beam lights
3 Black - Green Control-light right and warning lights
4 Blue Generator ( D+ )
5 Red - White Switch function - indicator ( mode )
6 Gray - Red Knob for setting hours
7 Green Connector 24 from the engine computer ( rpm teller )
Sad se snadji...