Test pojacala - the thread :)

Test pojacala - the thread :)

Zatvorena za pisanje odgovora.
ovde cu postovati rezultate merenja nekih pojacala i kako se testiraju

Hioki 3282 TRMS clamp meter


* AC Current/Voltage, Frequencies, Resistance, Conduction check, Temperature (probe sold separately)
* Wave peak value, Waveform distortion check
* Auto-power off to prevent the power from being left on
* Non-fuse type protects up to 600 V AC
* 1000 A AC Ø 46 mm

Fluke: 87V True RMS DMM, 0.05DC Accurancy, Blacklit


* Optional magnetic hanger for easy setup and viewing while freeing your hands for other tasks
* Large display digits and 2 level bright white backlight for increased visibility
* Withstands hazardous 8,000 volt spikes caused by load switching and faults on industrial circuits and complies with second edition ANSI and IEC electrical safety standards
* Improved sleep mode for long battery life
* Relative mode to remove test lead resistance from low ohms measurements
* Auto and manual ranging for maximum flexibility


* Unique function for accurate voltage and frequency measurements on adjustable speed motor drives and other electrically noisy equipment (87-5, 87-5/E Kit)
* True-rms ac voltage and current for accurate measurements on non linear signals (87-5, 87-5/E Kit)
* Built in thermometer conveniently allows you to take temperature readings without having to carry a separate instrument (87-5, 87-5/E Kit)
* Measure up to 1000 V ac and dc
* Measure up to 10 A (20 A for 30 seconds)
* 10,000 ?F capacitance range
* Frequency to 200 kHz and % duty cycle
* Peak capture to record transients as fast as 250 ?s (87-5, 87-5/E Kit)
* 4? digit mode (87-5, 87-5/E Kit)

prvo pojacalo na testu, mereno onako samo da se proba, nismo imali vise vremena

Rockford fosgate 1501bd
burp tone 66hz
spojeno na 1ohm
RF 1501bd - 5.33ohm - 856W RMS!!

box faktor 5.33 jaooooo

sledece testiranje sledi sa drugom kutijom
hvala lepo...

pojacala na lageru za testiranje
- RF 1501d
- MTX X3000d
- DD M3

Da vidimo sta tu moze da se izvuce.

Auto SEAT MARBELLA / BMW 323ti compact

Napajanje u oba slucaja Power Cell 3000

Sledeci rezultati od subote i nadam se svake subote
Pojacalo RF 1501bd

Podaci mi ostali u NS, ali samo da kazem da smo izvukli oko 1050rms na 3.5ohma

tabelu dobijate cim pre
ovo treba nize da se spaja :)


u svakom slucaju ovo mora nize da ide, i da se izvuce bar 1700-1800rms

ce probamo sledeci weekend sa jedno 30-40 burpova...

Inace pojacalo je RF1501bd
Woofer DD 9912
HU 9855 alpine i AVX2
Batt PC3000
ovo su rezovi sa razlicitim kutijama i razlicitim portovima, svaki port burpovi 64-71Hz

impedance rise se krece od 5.3x do masovnih 7.2x
pa dobro polako, kutija ce se prepraviti pa ce da bude nize...
Polako sve dolazi na svoje mesto, novi test ce pokazati
RF prodat, nismo izvukli ni pola snage iz njega...

Sad proba neceg drugog, samo cega?!?!

to be continued...
Zatvorena za pisanje odgovora.