Zamena prednjeg tapacirunga (pezo 206)(engleski jezik)

Zamena prednjeg tapacirunga (pezo 206)(engleski jezik)

Zatvorena za pisanje odgovora.
Wind down the window. Makes everything much easier.
Pull the door handle surround off. (if you can’t get a good grip, slip a flat headed screwdriver and flick it off.)

Unscrew the screw (Torx20) at the bottom of the door grip (?) Not sure on its real name! ;)

There are three more screws. The one I took off was the Passengers side and IIRC they are in the same place on the driver’s side.
The three screws are behind the tweeter cover, near the door strap/hinges, and on the side near the door catch/lock.
The latter two are pee pee too spot.



To remove the tweeter cover, again just put your hand behind and pull. BUT be careful as there is a wire going to the tweeter, DO NOT pull too hard unless you wanna rip this off.

Once all screws have been removed, pull the bottom of the door card, quite hard. There are about 10 of these holding the doorcard on.

You will need some replacements as a fair few will snap. They are 24/44p from Peugeot, can’t quite remember. Once the 2 sides and bottom have been released from these, pull the door card up to remove the lip from the window seal. Be careful of the lock button as they have a tendency to catch on these.
Also hope that you don’t find a kink like this:

Not bad no? What about this:

As long winded as it sounds, it’s a five minute job! :)
Zatvorena za pisanje odgovora.