Skidanje table na golfu 3

Skidanje table na golfu 3

Zatvorena za pisanje odgovora.
Imam nekog posla na 3ci za koji dan, pa ce ici kompletna tabla dole, ima li neko neki link, shemu, dijagram, proceduru, da vidim gdje su sarafi itd. da ne gubim vrijeme na trazenje i skidanje nepotrebnog. Ima li razlike izmedju klima/no klima varijanti? Hvala
kakav si s njemackim,nasho sam upustvo na de

eo jedno na engleški


2. On Cabriolet with an air bag, disconnect the negative battery cable and wait at least 20 minutes for the back-up power supply to discharge. Make sure no one is in the vehicle when connecting the battery. Unintended deployment of the air bag can cause serious or fatal injury.
3. Disconnect the negative battery cable.
4. Remove the gear shift knob and boot and remove the center console.
5. Remove the steering wheel.
6. Remove the knee bar from below the dashboard.
7. Remove the steering column support bracket and lower the column.
8. Pull the knobs off the heater controls and remove the control assembly and the radio.
9. Remove the headlight switch and switch blanks to gain access to the screws. Remove the instrument cluster and trim panel around the cluster.
10. Remove the glove compartment.
11. At the firewall, remove the plastic tray and remove the 2 nuts holding the top of the dashboard.
12. .Remove the main fuse panel and disconnect the plugs at the back. Disconnect the ground wires.
13. Disconnect any remaining wiring from the dashboard and remove the 4 last screws; 1 at each end and 1 at each end of the instrument cluster area. Remove the dashboard.

To install:

1. Fit the dashboard into place and start all 4 screws, then tighten them.
2. Install the fuse panel and connect the wiring.
3. Secure the steering column into place.
4. Install the switches and instrument cluster.
5. Install the heater controls and radio.
6. Install the console and connect all wiring.
7. Connect the battery to test the electrical system.
8. Install the steering wheel, knee bar and all remaining components.

Good luck...

eo i prevod

Hvala razbu i ja sam naletio na ovaj, i ako neko zna slucajno, ima li razlike izmedju modela s klimom i bez?
hvala svima, skinuto vec, klima demontirana, sad jos montaza na novo vozilo sutra :D najbitnije mi je bilo da ne gubim vrijeme trazeci sarafe, kao sto su ova dva ispod plastike ispod haube ;)
Zatvorena za pisanje odgovora.