Zatvorena za pisanje odgovora.
Zna li neko neke dobre sijalice ali da su bijele boje i da nisu xenoni,takodjer da ne stete farovima(projektorima)...Ove zute sijalice me izludise:D
Osram Silver Star H4
50% more light on the road and the winner of the Auto Express 2003 Autobulb Test!
Produced by one of the world's leading automotive lighting manufacturers, Osram Silverstar meets and exceeds the quality and performance you'd expect. Awarded the Auto Express 'Best Buy' award, it really is one of the best bulbs you can install in your vehicle. Here are just a few of the benefits:
Giving up to 50% More Light on the road
Objects and situations can be seen clearly at a distance of 75 metres
Service life comparable to that of standard H4 and H7 lamps.
Up to 50% more light on the road!
And don't just take our word for it. Here's what Auto Express, the UK's leading car publication, said about the bulbs.

"The flagship bulb in Osram's range, the Silverstar's 75m figure was only a fraction better than that of arch-rival Philips (right), but it performed significantly better at 50m. Add a price advantage, and the Osram's plus 50 per cent competitor is our Best Buy." - 5 star award.
Imam na prodaju H1 BOSCH blue vision... Cijena je 40 km par. Sijalice su vise nego dobre bacaju ledeno plavu znaci skroz svijeltloplavu tj boja polarnoga leda. Vidi se bolje nego sa HELLA 100W sijalicama koje su bile pre njih, ujedno ne smtaju nicemu jer su 55W nece ostetit far niti instalaciju.
Zatvorena za pisanje odgovora.