P: Alpine 9855r

P: Alpine 9855r

Zatvorena za pisanje odgovora.


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evo i nekih specifikacija

Decoder / Playback MP3/WMA
* CD-R / CD-RW
* No Signal Mute (0 Bit Mute)
* Displaying text information contained on CD-MP3 (ID3 Tag)
* Regulated 1-Bit D / A Converter
* Showing / scrolling text information on CD
* Memory tytułw CDs (18 titles / 8 characters)
* Support for iPod
* Versatile LinkTM
* Display Interface Vehicle
* Ability to use remote control on the steering wheel
* 4 V preamplifier output
* Power Amplifier 4 x 50 W
* 3 preamp outputs
* 2 color backlight (the other buttons - white / red)
* Many color backlight (4 glass buttons)
* Display BioLiteTM with animation in the background
* BassEnginePro:
* Choose from 7-band graphic EQ or 5-band parametric equalizer
* Digital Time Alignment control of 6 channels
* 3 - or 2-Channel Digital Channel Divider
* 6-speed Digital Crossover (HP / LP)
* Equalizer factory
* MediaXpanderTM
* Retrieve data
* Included remote control
* GlideTouchTM
* MaxTune PRO Tuner

Zatvorena za pisanje odgovora.