CAVALINO je napisao(la):
Ej sta cu vam ja sto vi WV nemate vako smece od motora vi imate nedodirljivi Turbo Diesel
i taj turbo dizel su preuzeli od talijana. prvi PD (pumpa-dizna) motor inace je napravljen u fiat grupaciji u oznaci JTD i koristenje patenta je ustupljeno VW-u i od tada svi iole kvalitetni T
DI motori su zasnovani na JTD tehnologiji.
ta prica fiat krs i fiat smece najcesce govore vozaci poluproizvoda kao sto su seat i skoda. svi istinski ljubitelji automobilizma i znalci u autotehnologiji ce priznati da je procvat u VW poceo sa upotrebom PD motora. ovi ostali (kompanije kupljene od strane VW kao sto je seat i skoda) bolje im je da ne govore nista jer da su koristili svoju tenologiju (koju su imali prije nego sto ih je VW kupio) ne bi ih bilo ni na mapi autoindustrije.
Auto u koje je ugradjivan ovaj motor 8.32 obiluje bogatom elektronickom opremom kojom mogu zaviditi i danasnji divovi a to je elektronsko podesavanje visine, krutoce i nagiba vozila, spojler koji se pri brzini vecoj od 100km/h sam podize (vidjeno na porsche vozilima nove generacije), grijaci u sjedistima, kozni enterijer, elektromasazeri za sve putnike, servo, abs i slicne uredjaje.
evo i nekoliko slika kako to sve izgleda:
Eto toliko.
Za one koji znaju engleski nek procitaju a za one koji ne znaju nek pitaju ove sto znaju da im prevedu
Thema 8.32
The ultimate Thema, the '8.32' ("8" standing for the number of cylinders and "32" for the number of valves) was assembled at Lancia's S. Paolo plant in Turin.[3] It used a 2927 cc Ferrari V8. This engine was based on the unit used in the Ferrari 308 qv and some of the componentry was assembled by Ducati[4] from castings made at Maranello. The engine differed from other Ferrari V8s of the time in that it was equipped with a 90 degree crankpin type crankshaft rather than the usual 180 degree type,smaller valves and different firing order. All this to make the engine caracteristics more suitable in a 4-door luxury saloon. Both Series 1 and 2 cars in non catalysed form produced 215 bhp (158 kW) and were capable of 0-100 km/h in 6.8 sec and 149 mph (240 km/h) whilst catalysed versions were slightly detuned to 205 bhp (151 kW) which gave 0-100 km/h in 7.2 sec and 145 mph (235 km/h).
The car offered good performance (though the Turbo version was quicker than the catalytic version from 0 to 100 km/h) and excellent refinement, including a luxurious hand made wood-and-leather interior by Poltrona Frau complete with the same luxury equipment as LX versions of the Thema. Unfortunately, a price tag of £40,000 (or more) in Britain, and the fact that only left hand drive versions were produced, limited its appeal, with only 9 being officially sold there. It was even a rare sight on Italian roads, with just 2370 Series 1 built between 1986 and 1988 and 1601 Series 2 built between 1989 and 1992. Even 64 numbered editions where made,32 series 1 and 32 series 2. These where only delivered in Ferrari-red and should be sought after examples in the future.
Five non catalyst Thema 8.32s were exported to Taiwan and 2 of them still survive today.