EGR mjerene vrijednosti

EGR mjerene vrijednosti

Danas prilikom rutinske kontrole gresaka na autu uocio sam ovaj problem koji javlja za EGR:

znalo mi se i prije to desavat pa nestane, medjutim kada sam izmjerio EGR vrijednosti dobio sam kao sto vidite na slici vrijednosti su iznad normalnog opsega:


mjereno na zagrijanom autu, auto je upaljen bez dodavanja gasa. Moze li mi neko reci sta ovo znaci ima li razloga za brigu i slicno? Na autu nemam nikakvih problema.
Auto je Passat B6 1.9 2007.
Skini egr i usisnu granu i na ciscenje to ti ke najjeftinija varjanta ako opet bude bacotu gresku onda ti nevalja klapna usisa ;)
Dok ne skines i rucno sve fino ocistis ne racunaj da ces rijesiti ista. Aditiv to ne moze niti u pola ocistiti
OK. Znaci usisnu granu i EGR na ciscenje. Nakon toga bi vrijednosti mjerene trebale biti u opsegu normalnih? Danas opet gledao i test je bio "Passed" za EGR, a vrijednosti iste. Ne znam koliko je pametno ista dirati jer stvarno nemam problema. Evo mjerio sam i output testove i MAF ako to moze dati vise informacija:







sve mjereno bez gasa sa upaljenim autom
Istrazujuci po Internetu izmjerene vrijednost nadjem ovo:

The EGR specified value at idle is 300-400 mg/stroke so the blue line starts low at 1300 rpm.
When the accelerator is pressed the specified EGR rises rapidly to 800 mg/stroke at 1400 rpm.
This hardly surprising as the faster engine must suck in more air.
You needthe EGR specified trace on the graph so that you can compare it with the EGR actual trace.
The EGR actual trace shows you the Mass Air Flow into the engine recorded by the AMM (MAF) sensor.
You are expecting 300-400 mg/stroke at idle and 800-900 mg/stroke at high revs.
So the EGR actual trace should look similar to the EGR specified trace.
The pink EGR actual trace on the graph roughly follows the EGR specified trac

Exhaust Gas Recirculation Duty Cycle %
This value is not much use for fault finding but it gives you a clue to what should be happening with the EGR valve.The engine ECU is opening and closing the EGR valve according to the duty cycle.100 % mean the EGR valve is shut so NO EGR gases going into the Intake air.0 % means the EGR is fully open so MAXIMUM EGR gases going into the Intake air.During constant idle or acceleration the EGR valve should be shut so the duty cycle will be high.Typical value being 95%Between idle and acceleration the engine ECU will constantly open and close the EGR giving duty cycle values between 30 and 70 % typically.It is worth logging EGR duty cycle during a spell of normal driving to see if it behaves as expected.High value during acceleration or constant idle and middle values in general driving.ote: EGR duty cycle is what the engine ECU is telling the EGR valve to do…It doesn’t mean the EGR valve is actually doing it.

Dakle, tipicno ono sto se i meni desava i ovdje kaze da su to normalne vrijednost i za idle i za duty cycle. Ne znam zasto VCDS labele te vrijednosti definisu van normalnih. Volio bih da mi neko strucan kaze ne bih da radim nesto ako nije potrebno!