Dva problema , pomozite ...

Dva problema , pomozite ...

Prvi , kad ukucam bilo sta na youtube izbaci mi neki error :

500 Internal Server Error

Sorry, something went wrong.

A team of highly trained monkeys has been dispatched to deal with this situation.

Sve klipove ciji link mi neko posalje mogu normalno gledati , samo znaci kad trazim nesto , to mi se desi ....

Drugi , na msn kad mi neko posalje link ne mogu kliknuti na njega , nego bude ono kao normalna poruka , smeta mi to , moam svaki link kopirati u browser da vidim sta mi ljudi salju , ide na zvice , vjerujte mi :D
Vernes_AMG je napisao(la):
Prvi , kad ukucam bilo sta na youtube izbaci mi neki error :

500 Internal Server Error

Sorry, something went wrong.

A team of highly trained monkeys has been dispatched to deal with this situation.

Sve klipove ciji link mi neko posalje mogu normalno gledati , samo znaci kad trazim nesto , to mi se desi ....

Drugi , na msn kad mi neko posalje link ne mogu kliknuti na njega , nego bude ono kao normalna poruka , smeta mi to , moam svaki link kopirati u browser da vidim sta mi ljudi salju , ide na zvice , vjerujte mi :D

ovo u vezi msn, ima nas dosta sa tim problemom:)
u vezi msn-a, to je nesto do njih. jer je i meni tako... ;) a za prvi, nikad cuo. mozda ce ti neko drugi uspjet pomoci...
Vernes_AMG je napisao(la):
nisam nista instalirao , odjednom me to pocelo zajebavati

That's because no one wants to work for Google and they decided to hire monkeys and pay them in bananas. Apparently the monkeys are revolting because of their lack of bananas and thus the server is screwy. Wait until the staff receive the tranquilizers they need to put them down and everything should be back to normal.

Good news: It's not your fault.
Bad news: There's nothing you can do about it, if you are user of website. In some cases even webmaster can not do anything about it except checking the error logs and contact to support of web hosting.

An "Internal Server Error" is an error on the web server (server side error) that you're trying to access. That server is misconfigured in some way that is preventing it from responding properly to your request.

Read more: http://www.techmynd.com/highly-trained-monkeys-at-youtube/#ixzz15a6OekDE

nije do tebe jbg :123: