Turbo Diesel E30 BMWs are Spooky

Turbo Diesel E30 BMWs are Spooky

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The E30 BMW 3-series is a cult favorite, but most people think of the petrol-powered 325is or M3 versions when they think of performance. Well not these guys. This is evidence that a turbo diesel E30 can rock just as hard; when you do burnouts, you get tire smoke and black exhaust! The horror-flick style editing makes the boosted oil-burners seem downright scary.

BMW E30 324td
pa ko je vozio 324td sa dobrim motorom zna kako to auto fino ide za svoje godine i relativno malu konjazu nedje oko 120 ks neznam tocno iako nisam ljubitelj dizel kocke ali auto ima zivota sa malo cackanja oko motora i dodavanja dijelova od tds-a ide stvarno dobro
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