RJ DE Vera's CLS

RJ DE Vera's CLS

Zatvorena za pisanje odgovora.
Before every new Speedhunters theme starts at the beginning of the month, I always try to find some exclusives cars to feature. One of the cars I wanted to do was the Mercedes CLS owned and driven by RJ De Vera. I remember reading about RJ in a Belgium magazine called Opgezet, which featured his deep candy apple red NSX. The next month, the same magazine featured his mother's car, a turbocharged Honda Odyssey.

So for this Luxury and Exotic month, I knew I had to feature his latest design, this Mercedes CLS. In the end it was a hard getting in touch with RJ because he was moving to a new location. I already had given up hope featuring this car this month, but then just when I was just settling down on a terrace with some friends this afternoon, Rod called and said he got an email with all the pictures from RJ. So after finishing my dinner I rushed home and started writing before the month ends and we start with our new AWD theme.
The base car is a Mercedes CLS 550 which has been turned into this head turner by using carefully selected parts. I'll start in the rear with the rear diffuser lip and the 3-piece wing that are part of the entire Brabus bodykit.

The idea was to make a car that would stand out and have an integrated, cohesive feeling. At the start of the build RJ had already pictured the car in his head. He says "In the beginning I was set on giving the car a theme that combined South Beach chic and my love for BAPE (a popular limited edition fashion line from Japan) purple camo. I had most of the outside of the car already set."

But things in your head don't always look good in real life, so together with Platinum Motorsport they came up with this black and white theme.

Zakleo sam se , bice moj nekad , ovo mi je zivotni cilj , imati u garazi CLS :icon_twisted:
BEMWE je napisao(la):
nije loš
mada bih se pre odlucio za pasata cc
imaju bolji ćuning

prije bi uzeo passat cc nego CLS ???? :icon_eek:

da nisam vidio avatar pomislio bi da nisi normalan al ipak sam shvatio o cem use radi :D
Vernes_AMG je napisao(la):
BEMWE je napisao(la):
nije loš
mada bih se pre odlucio za pasata cc
imaju bolji ćuning

prije bi uzeo passat cc nego CLS ???? :icon_eek:

da nisam vidio avatar pomislio bi da nisi normalan al ipak sam shvatio o cem use radi :D

čujem legla je i vozačka
sretno i spretno:cool::cool:
Meni se felge ne svidaju i ne primijetis ih kad su crne bez ruba u drugoj boji ...

Ovo je auto mocno samo od sebe samo i nije potreban neki poseban tuning :icon_rolleyes:
Zatvorena za pisanje odgovora.