Razlika izmedju AC i DC xenon setova

Razlika izmedju AC i DC xenon setova

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The Truth You Must Know (About AC VS. DC HID KIT)

Every hid purchaser is trying to look for the best possible deal on the complicate hid market. But most customers don’t understand that there are more differences in lighting kits than the price. Most suppliers continue to think about how to make the cost even cheaper without considering and informing the consumer of possible dangers. There are a number of sellers in HID market are selling DC HID KIT now so that they can win the market with a crazy price, However, most consumers will never know what they are getting is an inferior product that does not worth the even low price at all.

What is the difference between (Cheap) DC and (Quality) AC kits?

AC and DC describe the electrical method the conversion kit operates. Below are some key differences you should know about:



It is important next time you ask before buying if you are obtaining a DC kit or AC kit. These differences cannot be seen physically on the kit, while once you get using it on your car, then you will feel the variety by yourself. Usually, two to five weeks later the differences become apparent.