Novi Mercedes CL 65 AMG već u Amsterdamu

Novi Mercedes CL 65 AMG već u Amsterdamu

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DaimlerChrysler će amsterdamski AutoRAI salon iskoristiti za predstavljanje vatrene CL 65 AMG izvedbe. Najsnažnija inačica CL-klase biti će treći model, uz SL 65 AMG i S 65 AMG, koji će koristiti snažni V12 Biturbo agregat, javljaju hrvatski mediji.


Medvjeđe snažan motor poznat je i iz prošle generacije modela CL 65 AMG, a nastao je opsežnim modifikacijama 5,5-litrenog V12 agregata, kojem je obujam povećan na 6 litara. Uz pomoć 612 KS i 1000 Nm, novi CL 65 AMG hvata stotku već za 4,4 s, što je rezultat identičan starom modelu. Već za 13,3 s brzinomjer pokazuje 200 km/h, a elektronika igru prekida na 250 km/h, iako bi ovako pogonjen s lakoćom hvatao i 320.

Mjenjač je 5-stupanjski AMG-Speedshift, a adekvatnom prijenosu snage na podlogu doprinosi zatvarač diferencijala. Naplatci su 20 colni, aerodinamički kit odličan spoj agresivnosti i elegancije, a unutrašnjost je 'do zuba' naoružana luksuzom. Modificirani ovjes i kočioni sustav u svakom su trenutku na visini zadatka, a svi oni koji žele započeti borbu s desetinkama biti će oduševljeni IWC-ovom analognom štopericom.
A evo i pocetna cijena ovog modela, naletih na stranici trazeci jos slika. Cijena €301,500 :D
Sto se mene tice mozes, samo posalji mi PM kad budemo isli da narucimo.
Sporting je napisao(la):
Ma kupit cu ga, pare nisu problem... nego reci te mi hoce te li da i vama uzmem po jedan? :D

Jesi i ti neki jaran, naso kupovati jaranima jeftina auta, daj kupi nesto skuplje sta imas od ovoga:D
Ove zadnje slike sam jedva nasao, nema slika sta je ovo u zadnje vrijeme.
V12 Biturbo Engine: Dynamic Performance at the Highest Level

The highest level of performance is guaranteed by the AMG 6.0-liter V12 biturbo engine with its displacement of 5,980 cc: its maximum output of 450 kW/612 hp is maintained between 4800 and 5100 rpm while the maximum torque of 1000 Newton meters (electronically limited) is available from 2,000 to 4,000 rpm. These impressive engine data are the key to exceptional performance and superbly assured driving dynamics. But the powerful AMG twelve-cylinder unit is also in its element when cruising effortlessly in high gear. Its superbly responsive character is as impressive as its smooth, low-vibration running qualities which guarantee the high level of touring comfort typically associated with Mercedes.

The twelve-cylinder biturbo engine of the CL65 AMG features the very latest technology from the world of motorsports. Highly resilient components and materials guarantee consistently high power and torque levels, even at extreme operating temperatures. A case in point is the charge-air cooling system which uses an air/water heat exchanger and a particularly large low-temperature radiator at the front of the vehicle. The maximum charge pressure is 1.3 bar.

The characteristic AMG twelve-cylinder sound is ensured by the AMG sports exhaust system with two twin chromed V12-design tailpipes. Catalytic converters with tri-metallic coating provide a faster response from a cold start, more efficient exhaust-gas aftertreatment and a longer service life. The CL65 AMG complies with the EU 4 emissions standard as well as specific requirements of the US market.
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