Nissan GTR vs Bugatti Veyron

Nissan GTR vs Bugatti Veyron

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Evo nesto jako zanimljivo :icon_biggrin:

Vec je neko cini mi se postavljao dio ovog testa ukljucujuci i odgovarajuci klip gdje se testiraju ova dva ali na ravnoj pisti,naravno Veyron je zgazio GTR-a u utrci ubrzanja - duplo vise konjskih snaga ide na stranu Veyrona.

Evo i rezultata


Opet moram da primjetim kako GTR bolje koci :D

Nego da nastavimo.

To je bio jedan dio testa eh sada slijedi drugi,mnogo zanimljiviji.Ovo gore je bilo ocekivano,mislim Veyron power to weight ratio iznosi 1.88kg/hp za razliku od Nissanovog 3.62 kg/hp.

Nego evo drugi dio,znaci radi se obicnoj vangradskoj cesti.

Teskst je na engleskom,ko zna i koga zanima nek cita.

"It’s deceptive, though, the GT-R. It gives a convincing impression of being a docile pooch much of the time, but show it a fast, challenging road – one with open sight-lines and decent straights but defined by its tortured serpentine nature – and it becomes the attack dog from hell. Such a road occurs on the route to our overnight hotel. We get to it just as dusk is falling, and pull over for a few minutes to assess the situation. There are no other cars around, so we decide to go for it. As I know the road, I’ll lead in the GT-R. But Leigh knows his car and it has 522bhp more than mine. Neither of us is prepared to call how this one will go.

Except that, frankly fearful of being chased by the fastest supercar the world has ever seen, I run to the Nissan, hit the start button and give it the full beans up to and through the first bend. It buys me about 200 metres. Then it’s simply a matter of driving as if I’m being chased by a madman wielding an AK-47. There is no car I know of that is better for acting out this imaginary scenario than the GT-R. You could be driving in a state of utter terror, feeding purely off reactions and adrenalin, and the GT-R will translate it into stunning speed across the ground. It minimises mistakes, rewards aggression and commitment, makes you better than you are. More than that, it makes you feel better than your are.

I’ve set everything to ‘Race’ and have decided I have no option but to punt the Nissan with the sort of sinew-wringing desperation I’d normally reserve for a Panda 100HP. I’m applying so much pressure to the accelerator and brake pedal that a couple of days later I’ll wake up with an aching right leg. Hard on the throttle, hard on the brakes, nothing in between. Well, it worked for Jim Clark.

I’m staggered at the sustained speed, the instant, lag-free urge, the way the chassis ignores the road’s humps, dips, kinks and cambers, carrying absurd pace through the trickiest of bends with complete equanimity. Yet, at any moment, I’m expecting to feel the warmth of the Veyron’s headlight beams on the back of my neck. It never comes; the Bugatti never closes that initial 200-metre gap. When we stop to swap thoughts, it’s hard not to conclude that the GT-R has exposed the Veyron’s Achilles heel. On this kind of road, at least, the Bugatti is too heavy, too prone to scrape its chin on the deck, too expensive to explore its limits with brain-out abandon. Only its astonishing straight-line acceleration kept it in touch, but it could do nothing to close the gap.

The Veyron is easy to drive. If it didn’t have a boot the size of a lunchbox, you could go shopping in it. It’s also easy to drive at speeds to which other mainstream supercars have no answer. All you need to do is keep your spatial awareness on its most sensitive setting, because you will arrive at corners travelling more quickly than you ever thought possible. What is clear, though, is that on the right road, and if you’re prepared to drive it to within an inch of its life, the Nissan GT-R will look after yours and cover the ground so rapidly that it bows to no supercar, not even the mighty Veyron."


Evo i par slika,nek se nadju :cool:




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