Live shots of Ferrari’s ‘Laboratorio Technologico’ 599XX

Live shots of Ferrari’s ‘Laboratorio Technologico’ 599XX

Zatvorena za pisanje odgovora.




Back at March’s Geneva Motor Show Ferrari gave the world a preview of its latest ‘Laboratorio Technologico’ 599XX experimental car, but apart from a single live image few visual details of the car were revealed. Today, we have a gallery of live images, showcasing every minor aspect of the car in high-resolution detail.

The oddly named 599XX is described as a technological laboratory aimed at a select group of clients. It incorporates the most advanced technologies resulting from Ferrari’s road-going and F1 research, with many elements appearing for the first time. Similar to previous Enzo-based FXX model, Ferrari will be organising a programme of dedicated track events for the 599XX in 2010 and 2011.

While based on the 599 GTB Fiorano with the same transaxle layout and engine type, this prototype is an extreme track car. Ferrari’s engineers have carried out extensive work on the engine’s combustion chambers and inlet and exhaust tracts. These modifications helped achieve the target power output of 700hp (522kW) at 9,000 rpm. Particular attention was also paid to cutting the weight of the engine unit components. This was achieved both by optimizing forms – as in the new crankshaft – and adopting exclusive materials, as in the carbon-fiber used for the intake plenums. A new gearbox shift strategy also cuts overall gearchange times to just 60ms.

The 599XX’s aerodynamics was honed in numerous wind tunnel test sessions with the result that the car now boasts 280kg of downforce at 200km/h (630kg at 300km/h). The front underside of the body is completely faired-in and the vents that channel hot air from the engine bay have been moved to the bonnet.

Winglets have been added to the rear buttresses to increase downforce, while synthetic jets have also been incorporated into the rear of the car to control and smooth the air flow and to reduce drag.

Ferrari’s engineers have also used F1-derived “doughnuts” which partly cover the brake discs and wheel rim. These have the dual function of improving both aerodynamics and brake cooling.

Conceived exclusively for track but not official competition use, and thus unrestricted by racing regulations, the car incorporates the very best of Ferrari technology. The multitude of aerodynamic, electronic control and handling innovations used together for the first time on a single car make this model a genuine technological laboratory. The solutions adopted for the 599XX – many of which will remain exclusive to it - enhance its levels of performance and can be summed up in one highly relevant statistic: a Fiorano lap time of just 1 minute and 17 seconds.


uu brate sve sve al zipa 700 konja pri 9000 milja , znaci ima jos bar 500 fore , i 630 kila pritiska na 300 , mora da nisu spavali nikako.

"The multitude of aerodynamic, electronic control and handling innovations used together for the first time on a single car make this model a genuine technological laboratory"

ovo ce da bude BOMBA , FERRARI TALIBAN 599
Citao sam o ovom cudu kad se tek najavio,strasan stroj,strasan,premda ovo je kao da komentiram F1,trkaci auto,nit cu ga ikad vidjet na cesti,nit cu gledat igdje dvoboje. (f1 bar jednom u dvije sedmice gledam,ovo garant nikad);)
erol_brcak je napisao(la):
Citao sam o ovom cudu kad se tek najavio,strasan stroj,strasan,premda ovo je kao da komentiram F1,trkaci auto,nit cu ga ikad vidjet na cesti,nit cu gledat igdje dvoboje. (f1 bar jednom u dvije sedmice gledam,ovo garant nikad);)

haj ako nista imamo youtube:D
nodiash je napisao(la):
ovo mi je sledece auto:D

Tako razmislja pravi optimista :cool: E, ali tacno se vidi da je svaki detalj smisljan danima, pogledajte samo polozaj onih krilca, pa otvori pozadi na braniku, na haubi one otvore, sa strane one rupcage, pa to mora da sluzi nekom debelom belaju, ko zna, mozda bi leteo da nema ta krilca :lol:
Zatvorena za pisanje odgovora.