Link za SIMS 3

Link za SIMS 3

raja jel ima neko link za SIMS 3

hocu djevojci da instaliram, kupili smo vec 2 cd-a kod nas u gradu i ni jedan ne valja, ima problem s nekim folderom i nece uopste da zavrsi instalaciju

ako neko ima slucajno link za download bio bi zahvalan:cool:
BHT Ovisnik
ja sam skinuo s ovog linka i radi:icon_biggrin:
5gb je igrica,

Install Notes:

1. Mount or Burn image
2. Install and use one of serials or keygen from razor1911 dir

Final Version Install Notes:

1.Run and Install Final Version Patch
2.Copy TS3.exe and TSLHost.dll from crack dir to installation folder GameBin folder (overwrite - replace)
3.Start playing!

Note: recommended to start this game from ts3.exe (from bin folder - create a shortcut to desktop) not from launcher and also if you still
encounter problems try to block ts3.exe from your firewall