Jos jedan Ferrari 458 slupan ... u Maranelu

Jos jedan Ferrari 458 slupan ... u Maranelu


This is one of the first Ferrari 458 Italia crash videos to hit the web. Like any other supercar, the Ferrari 458 Italia had to bite the dust at one time or another. Unfortunately, the driver of this brand new Ferrari 458 Italia managed to keep it intact for only 24 hours. He crashed it a day after he received it. Talking about more money than talent. The crash took place outside Ferrari's factory in Maranello, Italy. We're not really sure how it happened, but we guess the driver came out OK. On the other hand, the Ferrari 458 Italia was completely destroyed as it was parked in a tree.

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j*g, tesko je kontrolisat toliku snagu pod volanom, treba imat kontrole pa se suzdrzat da ne divljas..
neki tajin sin garant:lol:
treba imati iskustva i svijesti i to je dovoljno...

doduse i ova drva znaju izletit a ne gledaju al sta sad moras pazit;)

kako su krenuli uskoro ce 458 biti istrij*ljen...zali Boze osiguranja :))
Baš sam mislio kupiti 458 ali sad kada vidim koliko ih je izgorilo i kako se lako razbijaju definitivno odustajem od kupnje :D :icon_smile: