HPA Jetta R-GT !!!

HPA Jetta R-GT !!!

Zatvorena za pisanje odgovora.
Ovo morate pogledat, prava brutala od auta: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V52jdZH3Ing
auto je v6 twin turbo sa 550 konja, za sad postoje samo passat i jetta i to concept, a i ako izađu ikad u bar neku malu seriju, brijem da će ferrari bit jeftiniji

gdje ide ovaj svijet kad je poceo praviti avione od auta....morat ce se ogranicenja brzine na cestama uskoro dizat hehe :D
još sam malo istraživao po netu o tome, izgleda da je to napravio vw u suradnji sa HPA, i ipak je to volkswagen jetta r-gt , a ne hpa jetta r-gt, auto je prvi put predstavljen 2005 na sema auto showu, nešto je napredovao od tad (na 550ks) čudno kak to nitko nije vidio do sad, prošle 2 godine? negdje sam našao da je se to kao vw malo okrenuo super-sportski nastrojenoj publici, i da bi auto mogao bit dostupan u nekoj limited edition seriji, ili preko HPA.. tak nešt, za ameriku uglavnom :(
evo najpreciznije što sam našao:

Although unlikely to make production, the new boss of VW America, Brit Adrian Hallmark, confirmed the three cars represent the first step by VW towards a range of high performance models to take on BMW’s M Power range. That said, we doubt the real deals will have the SEMA-friendly aftermarket feel of these concepts. We also wonder whether a range of R-GT V-Dubs might not clash with stablemate Audi’s S and RS models. Then again, Volkswagen has made fine art in recent years out of cannibalising its own sales by launching overlapping products in several niches from its many European brands.

Hallmark also said VW’s 18-month Moonraker project, set up to investigate how VWs can better appeal to US buyers, was due to wrap up towards the end of 2005. Unique models for the US market are likely to follow within the next few years, Hallmark hinted. However, it’s far from clear whether these US specials will be all-new cars or merely tweaked variants of VW’s Euro range.
Zatvorena za pisanje odgovora.