Hot Hatch Smackdown Poll: Ford Focus ST vs Opel GTC

Hot Hatch Smackdown Poll: Ford Focus ST vs Opel GTC


With both the Ford Focus ST and Opel GTC set to debut in Paris, the hot hatch world is astir. If you're in a "global" market and interested in going fast on the cheap, these are looking to be two serious contenders.

The big difference here is shaping to be extra output in a traditionally showy hot-hatch package, or a sleek and sophisticated ride with potentially less power. But first, a joke: what would a diesel Ford Focus ST be called? Think about it.

On to the point: it boils down to either a world-hot hatch from GM or Ford. To make it even simpler for the numbers-geeks, here are the basics (feel free to read all the deets in our previous Paris posts on the Focus ST and Opel GTC, you fiends): output is looking to be 250 horsepower for the ST and possibly well over the 250HP mark for the OPC version of the GTC (Opel has not yet released output numbers). Both show cars are equipped with 2.0-liter turbocharged fours.

While the ST is likely to appear in the States in one form (ST) or another (SVT), there's still no word on whether or not the GTC could appear here (Buick's mini-Lexus fighter, anyone?).

However, that's neither here nor there at the moment. The big question for our readers is this: would you be more interested in the boy-racer Ford ST or a more conservative (and possibly Buick in the States) Opel GTC? Vote your hearts out in the poll below.
Ako Fikus bude tako strasno izgledao, iako Opela nikako ne volim, prije bi onda Astru, definitivno...
VR6Boki je napisao(la):
Ako Fikus bude tako strasno izgledao, iako Opela nikako ne volim, prije bi onda Astru, definitivno...

potpis.... ovaj izgled fokusa je stvarno razocaravajuci :icon_rolleyes:
naspurot njemu, astra izgleda odlicno... mada je opel :D
a jesu usrali ovog novog focusa, gdje su im oci jbte, opel daleko ljepsi u ovom slucaju, a i stari focus je ljepsi 40x od ovog novog.. :icon_rolleyes:
mislio sam i za normalnu astru J prije izlaska sam mislio da ce usrati sa dizajnom al mi se poprilicno svidjela, GTC verzija mora izgledati veoma slicno samo 80% SPORTskije od obicne, a o OPC-u iste serije da ne pricam jer odavno najavljuju bar 50KS vise od svih konkurenata iste klase:)

can't wait:)
Ako ti imas tako dobar smisao za humor i za druge stvari, ti ces vozati Ferrarija uskoro :lol:
Astra je najteže auto u klasi. Kakva su vremena došla za hot hatch klasu, strah me da je 250 ks premalo:D Al predobro izgleda
Astra je 1743000 puta ljepša od ovog Focusa, zapravo, on izgleda kao da je dizajniran sjekirom iz komada drveta. :icon_smile:
Ali što je već spomenuto, Astra je jednostavno preteška, ali nije jedina, nema više kompakt klase, tako se sada treba zvati klasa Corse, Pola, Clia.....
Ford nije bas posebno ljep, al na putu mu ova astra papuca nemoze okrenut kao ni jedno auto u klasi :):)