Hofele Design lansira R8-Look za Audi A5

Hofele Design lansira R8-Look za Audi A5

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Njemački tuner Hofele Design lansirao je aerodinamički paket za sve modele Audija A5, a neki od elemenata nemaju nikakvu svrhu osim da automobilu daju "poseban izgled" i vlasnika učine ponosnim što ima Audi A5 koji teži da postane R8.

Tuning i styling tvrtka Hofele Design predstavila je Hofele R8-Look aerodinamički paket namijenjen za sve Audi A5 modele (Coupe, Cabrio i Sportback), a već na prvi pogled vidljivo je da se radi o paketu kojim se A5 modeli približavaju izgledu Audijevog supersportaša R8. Paket čine novi prednji i stražnji branici, bočni pragovi s usisnicima zraka, bočni elementi koji imitiraju usisnike zraka za motor postavljen straga i stražnji spojler.

Osim nabrojanih elemenata, od kojih veliki bočni usisnici nemaju svrhu ukoliko se zanemari "poseban izgled", tu su i četiri cijevi ispušnog sustava koje su također ugrađene samo radi opakijeg izgleda i nisu sve povezane na ispušni sustav. Vlasnici A5 Coupe modela mogu za svog metalnog ljubimca kupiti i stražnji spojler koji se montira na poklopac prtljažnika.






bas reko da vidim ko ce sta napisati :D, al evo copy - paste :

German tuner Hofele Design (apparently) had but one simple mission: how to destroy it!

The results are self-evident. All those people that are moaning and complaining that their Audi A5 3.2s don't look anything like a R8 V10 can now cease their protests. All two of them. Also, and we know this doesn't need stating but here goes: why would you go through the trouble of mutating your car to the nth degree but then leave on the "A5" and "3.2" badges?

Most people who know Audis (i.e. the very people that might have an outside chance of being impressed by this) would agree that A5 and 3.2 stands for the automaker's worst engine/transmission combination, the slow-revving 3.2-liter V6 that's already been dropped from the new A4 and the numbskull six-speed Tiptronic box that likes to be in sixth gear by 39 mph. So, besides the raw, inharmonious phony aspect of the body kit (nice fake quad pipes) why on earth bother? Especially as the badge on the back says A5 and the one in the grille says S5. That's a rhetorical question, because we all know there's no answer/point. One more thing: the R8 Spyder doesn't even have side blades. And hey, why not another: the camber on the rear wheel's all messed up.
Hmm, ineteresantno sta ovi Hoffele-a rade, ko' da im je dizajner neki zaostali balkanac, isto su napravili RS6 C6 body-kit za A6 C5:smajli29:
ni meni se ne svidja,prednji kraj kao sto je vec receno i nekako moze,al zadnji je sfuseren totalno,ja mislim da bi i ja bolje skonto,heheh;););)
Zatvorena za pisanje odgovora.