Formula 1 uvodi 1,5 Turbo motore !!!!!!

Formula 1 uvodi 1,5 Turbo motore !!!!!!


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Report: Formula One considering 1.5-liter turbo engines

It's been 21 years since a turbocharger found its way onto a Formula One racer. In 1989, the FIA banned forced-induction due to the ridiculous power and speed they were generating. For better or worse, things haven't been the same since, but if a report from Pitpass is to be believed, we may see the reign of the turbo return once again.

The site is claiming that the FIA is seriously considering bringing a new turbocharged 1.5-liter engine to F1, but don't expect to see early '80s power from these machines. The four-cylinder engine is being considered for one reason alone – to reduce fuel consumption and emissions.

So we won't see over 1,000 horsepower from the 2011 grid, but to make up for the dip in grunt, Pitpass says the FIA is also considering allowing KERS to return. While we're sure the sanctioning body is keen to get the eco-minded off its back, odds are the FIA wouldn't mind spicing up the racing a bit, either. While we were promised heart-stopping action from the 2010 season, so far the racing has been much of the same. Here's hoping...

jaooooo :cool:
:lol::lol: znam da su jedno vrijeme bili 2.4 V8, ali 1.5:icon_twisted::icon_twisted::icon_twisted: im da gori,, mogu zamislit zvuk fijuuu:D
Pa formula 1 je uvijek bila istrazivacka mislija a posto u buducnosti nam preostaje da se razvijaju motori sa sto manjim zapreminama i potrosnjom formula ce morati ponijeti i to breme na svojim ledjima.
Mislim da to nece biti nista manje zanimljivo, formula mora da postavlja ogranicenja kad se uvidi da du odredjene stvari dovedene do savrsenstva.
A druga stvar i gorivo predstavlja ogroman trosak....
zlajaaa je napisao(la):
:lol::lol: znam da su jedno vrijeme bili 2.4 V8, ali 1.5:icon_twisted::icon_twisted::icon_twisted: im da gori,, mogu zamislit zvuk fijuuu:D

da da zlaja,bili su 1.5 turbo monstrumi sa po 1500ks za kvalifikacije i oko 700-800-900 za trke....bilo je to TURBO-era:D
formula je uvijek bilo ko ima vise muda, ov oje sranje sve sta rade...

Treba samo propisati sigurnosna pravila, sto se tice konjaza, unleashe the imagination :cool::icon_twisted:
WRC je uvjek bio moj izbor jer ovo je odavno postalo fancy kur*enje manekenci i palyboja
Ma znam ali wrc je utrka s vremenom nema direktne borbe tj preticanja,a ja vise volim kruzne utrke upravo zbog te direktne borbe.
onda je motogp zakon :D
em se preticu stalno,em nije ishod trke zavisan od boxova i slicno ko u formuli