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By erol_brcak, shot with Canon EOS 40D at 2009-09-19 defines as warrior as follows:

1: a person engaged or experienced in warfare; soldier.

2: a person who shows or has shown great vigor, courage, or aggressiveness, as in politics or athletics.

Definition number one is a relatively straight description of a soldier, but definition number two more points to the character of the warrior.

Occasionally I'll meet people who very much have this feeling of warriorism about them, even though acts of soldiering may be the last thing on their minds. I'd say these people tend to be more on the serious of side and have little time for anything or anyone that is outside of their chosen focal point. They usually have razor sharp viewpoints, with a no nonsense approach to life.

Athletes often have this modus operandi, as do many professional racing drivers. The same goes for the person that is behind the custom Porsches we are coming to know as Rauh Welt: Nakai-sa. He is a warrior: through and through. A person whose simply put, is all edge. Perhaps you also can get this feeling from his cars no?


By erol_brcak, shot with Canon EOS 30D at 2009-09-19

Arriving at the corregated iron building we were greeted by a range of 930 chassis in various states of disassembly. A few looked like on-going projects, while others looked like they were waiting for a new lease of life as race track weapons.


By erol_brcak, shot with Canon EOS 20D at 2009-09-19

These bare chassis were contrasted by a customer RWB car sitting opposite. This machine about to go under the knife to be fully transformed into a track machine. It's currently built to be more a street style car, with an automatic transmission hampering it's performance potential. The owner, though, wants to participate in more Rauh Welt track activities, hence the coming upgrades.

Note the drinks machine behind the car. No self-respecting Japanese car shop would be complete without them!


By erol_brcak, shot with Canon EOS 40D at 2009-09-19

Entering the building we were greeted by these two amazing 911s. Was a bit of a moment to be standing there faced with these two cars... machines that Mike Garrett has first shown to the western world on his Auto Otaku blog. These are probably two of my favourite street cars going right now.


By erol_brcak, shot with Canon EOS 30D at 2009-09-19

Rauh Welt pool table anyone? Looking around the space we marvelled the memorabilia filling the lounge area. It was a real mix of American, European and Japanese iconography. Check the display of Stella Artois bear bottles in the window. Now we know why this logo appears on Nakai-san's personal 930... it's his favourite beer!


By erol_brcak, shot with Canon EOS 30D at 2009-09-19

I like the retro looking red and white helmet....


By erol_brcak, shot with Canon EOS 20D at 2009-09-19

Eventually the man himself appeared... and we introduced ourselves and explained a bit about the Speedhunters project to him. He listened intently to credentials, nodded and started to set up the different Porsches for Mike and Antonio to shoot. A man of few words... definitely my style of human hahaha.


By erol_brcak, shot with Canon EOS 40D at 2009-09-19

On the left is a 930 customer car which has had a rough time at the track this year... on the right is a new 964 project nearing completion. Although most of the main Rauh Welt cars are N/A (naturally aspirated), this is a turbo car, running in excess of 700bhp.


By erol_brcak, shot with Canon EOS 30D at 2009-09-19

This is pure battle machine style, no? The car received some heavy damage to its rear quarter and has been patched together for the remainder of the racing season. Strange perhaps, to see zip ties all over a Porsche, but then again Nakai-san was the man who started the use of zip ties on drift cars.... Anyway Antonio will talk about the man and his contributions to drifting culture in a later Speedhunters posting this month.


By erol_brcak, shot with Canon EOS 40D at 2009-09-19

This silver car is also another work in progress turbo project. I'm sure we'll be seeing these cars blasting around Tsukuba in the not too distant future.

You can also see a portable spraybooth which can be extended to cover the car


By erol_brcak, shot with Canon EOS 30D at 2009-09-19

Off to the side was this very special new 996 based project; the first time that Rauh Welt has worked with such a modern chassis. This car started life as a Carrera Cup race car, which Nakai-san is converting to be a street-track car. That's right folks, a race car that will be registered for Japanese street use. Sounds cool! The car will be receiving the full Rauh Welt visual styling and will be finished in satin black. I can't wait to see how this car turns out.... apparently it will be ready before the end of the year.


By erol_brcak, shot with Canon EOS 30D at 2009-09-19

RWB Mercedes anyone? This is Nakai-san's personal daily driver.


By erol_brcak, shot with Canon EOS 30D at 2009-09-19


By erol_brcak, shot with Canon EOS 40D at 2009-09-19


By erol_brcak, shot with Canon EOS 40D at 2009-09-19

He explained to us, that he deliberately didn't clean any of the Porsches for our photography sessions. In his view, a dirtied and distressed car from track use is a car in it's natural form. Show cars are of no interest.


By erol_brcak, shot with Canon EOS 40D at 2009-09-19

We ended the day doing some street photography with Nakai-san's personal 930. There really is nothing that I can compare seeing this car creeping down the street to.... look at that omnous presence!... Words cannot do this image justice so I'll end the story here...
Cobanluk? Haj dobro

Otkad su race cars cobanluk jbt ? Bas citam ovo gore covjek radi auta iskljucivo za staze i poneki street legal,al i taj je podredjen u potpunosti ka performansama.

Bizi ba,vama je bitno samo da sljasti :p

Sto se tice spojlera,sad rekoh sve to ima funkciju,a i inace je zadnje krilo na ovim 993 serijama uvijek bilo ogromno,bar kad su trkace inacice u pitanju

evo pr.

Zatvorena za pisanje odgovora.