other forum member je napisao(la):
Microsoft Genuine Maker 2009 - AIO including Vista Activator | 6.3 MB|RS
Here is the solution for all of your problems..Be it regarding Windows XP, Windows Vista or Microsoft Office 2007... this file can make your Microsoft XP and Office Genuine and can also activate your Windows Vista
Just follow these simple steps..
1. Run the file Genuine Maker.exe
2. Choose your version of Windows.
3. Click on the respective buttons to make your XP or MS Office genuine or to Activate Windows Vista...
ibizasa je napisao(la):ne postoji activation key koji ce ti raditi (osim onog kojeg dobijes uz orginalnu verziju winviste)
postoje razni aktivatori po internetu pa sam pokusao pronaci stosta i evo, ispod ovog (na jednom forumu) raja je pisala da radi i naravno zahvaljuju se osobi koja je postala pa ne znam kosta li te ista da probas, mogu ti i sve ostale koje sam nasao postaviti s tim da se potpuno ogradjujem od sadrzaja jer sam ponosni korisnik custom xp windowsa i vistu sam koristio nekih 2 h pa i nisam toliko upucen u aktivaciju kao i genuine testove itd
other forum member je napisao(la):
Microsoft Genuine Maker 2009 - AIO including Vista Activator | 6.3 MB|RS
Here is the solution for all of your problems..Be it regarding Windows XP, Windows Vista or Microsoft Office 2007... this file can make your Microsoft XP and Office Genuine and can also activate your Windows Vista
Just follow these simple steps..
1. Run the file Genuine Maker.exe
2. Choose your version of Windows.
3. Click on the respective buttons to make your XP or MS Office genuine or to Activate Windows Vista...