DVD Pyle PLTSD62 ?

DVD Pyle PLTSD62 ?

BHT Ovisnik
pozdrav,zanima me ovaj navedeni DVD player http://www.pyleaudio.com/sku/PLTSD62
ne pise da cita nesto vele,da li moze on da cita avi formate,spotove i sl. ?
pa ako vec cita DVD i ima ovoliki ekran i T.S mora pustat snimke spotove filmove kako god okrenes :icon_rolleyes:



VCD stands for 'Video Compact Disc' and basically it is a CD that contains moving pictures and sound. If you're familiar with regular audio/music CDs, then you will know what a VCD looks like. A VCD has the capacity to hold up to 74/80 minutes on 650MB/700MB CDs respectively of full-motion video along with quality stereo sound. VCDs use a compression standard called MPEG to store the video and audio. A VCD can be played on almost all standalone DVD Players and of course on all computers with a DVD-ROM or CD-ROM drive with the help of a software based decoder / player. It is also possible to use menus and chapters, similiar to DVDs, on a VCD and also simple photo album/slide shows with background audio. The quality of a very good VCD is about the same as a VHS tape based movie but VCD is usually a bit more blurry. If you want better quality checkout SVCD,CVD or DVD.
A VCD can be played on

- Standalone VCD Players(very common in ASiA), check here for a compatibility list.
- Almost all standalone DVD Players, check here for compability list
- Playstations with VCD-addon (Playstation 2 does NOT support VCDs, read our DVD Players list for more info)
- Sega Saturn with VCD-addon
- Dreamcast with VCD-addon
- And of course on all computers with a CD-ROMs/DVD-ROMs with a software VCD/MPG Player.
BHT Ovisnik
neznam to me muci jer ima samo DVD, VCD, CD, CD-R, CD-RW, and MP3, ne pise nigdje mpeg4,divx i to,nije valjda da prima kao i player obicne samo i dvd kao iz videoteke :/
taj navedeni gore uređaj podržava kameru za vožnju u rikverc i VCD (MPEG-1) a to vcd piše ti iznad sve šta i kako
to je to sto se tice video :D
BHT Ovisnik
tek vidim post iznad,to je znaci dosta slabija kvaliteta videa,nemoze avi i spotovi da bude fin zvuk :icon_confused: